Dyna Band Exercise Band with Workout
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Get a full body workout - Dyna-Band resistance bands come complete with an exercise band workout and are available in five levels dependent on your age and fitness level.
Get a full body workout - Dyna-Band resistance bands come complete with an exercise band workout and are available in five levels dependent on your age and fitness level.
Available in four different levels dependant on age and fitness level, a Dyna-Band exercise band can be used for resistance training to tone, strengthen and condition your body, whether you are after a complete body workout, or want to concentrate on specific areas.
Each Dyna-Band comes with an exercise band workout to get you started. The workout takes about 15 minutes to complete and works upper body, lower body and then moves on to exercises for the waist and stomach.
The exercise band workout has fully illustrated instructions and is easy to follow. However if you prefer exercise videos to books, there is a dvd/video with five 10-minute workouts available for the Dyna-Band.
Like all exercise bands the Dyna-Band, is so small it requires practically no storage space, making it not only great for home gym workouts, but also the perfect travel partner too. But don’t let the Dyna-Bands size fool you, it may be small, but its power to produce results and tone you up fast is huge!
Buttock Lifts - Exercise for the buttocks (Gluteal)
1) Tie the DYNA-BAND around your thighs giving the (exercise visuals A & B) band maximum length and position your body on all fours placing your elbows on to the floor and your head inline with your body.
2) Trying to keep the natural width of the band pin part of the band to the floor with one knee and the other leg straight with foot kept flexed.
3) Take a deep breath in, as you breathe out raise the straight leg, as high as you comfortably can making sure that your hips face the floor, your head is down, your back is straight and your stomach is held in.
4) Lower and return your leg to the starting position as you breathe in. (Repeat up to 16 times then change legs).