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Not on the Label Book

The age of convenience shopping is here, with a greater choice of foods available to us and at a price that's right. People power has driven a revolution in the food industry that has given us what we want, when we want it and how we want it, at no extra cost in either money or quality. We eat and feed our children higher quality of food produced with less chemicals, artificial preservatives and additives than ever before. Right?

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Product Description

What really goes into the food on your plate

The age of convenience shopping is here, with a greater choice of foods available to us and at a price that’s right. People power has driven a revolution in the food industry that has given us what we want, when we want it and how we want it, at no extra cost in either money or quality. We eat and feed our children higher quality of food produced with less chemicals, artificial preservatives and additives than ever before. Right?

What's Not On The Label…

In a series of undercover investigations Felicity Lawrence looks at some of the most popular foods we eat and the process they have gone through to end up on our tables. How beef waste ends up in our chicken, why a third of apples are thrown away and why our bread is full of air and water.

In order to write "Not on the Label", Felicity Lawrence went to farms, factories, packhouses and lorry depots not just in the UK, but across the world to get the full picture. Tracking our food's story all the way back to the starving smallholders in Africa to find it’s not just our food that is being badly treated, in the now global industry of food production.

You don’t need a science degree to understand or be interested in "Not on the Label", just care about what goes into your body and how others are treated.

You’ve seen the reality TV shows, well here is a reality book. And just like a horror movie you can’t look away from, you just won't be able to put it down.

  • Acknowledgements
  • Introduction
  • Chicken
  • Salad
  • Beans
  • Bread
  • Apples and Bananas
  • Coffee and Prawns
  • The Ready Meal
  • Afterword
  • Appendix
  • Notes and References
  • Index