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A Polar Heart Rate Monitor Watch monitors your heart rate and measures calories burned - making sure that you are exercising at the correct heart rate to get the very best out of your workout.
A Polar Heart Rate Monitor Watch monitors your heart rate and measures calories burned - making sure that you are exercising at the correct heart rate to get the very best out of your workout.
‘You can't manage what you can't measure…’ an old management adage maybe, but true and really relates to fitness and exercise. A Polar Heart Rate Monitor Watch monitors your heart rate and measures calories burned - making sure that you are exercising at the correct heart rate to get the very best out of your workout.
Monitoring your heart rate whilst training will help you work harder by ensuring that you focus on keeping your heart rate within the correct zone for your fitness goals. For example, if you want to focus on losing weight, then you need to stay within 70-80% of your maximum heart rate.
I definitely found that using an HRM whilst exercising accelerated my weight loss. I focussed my training and made sure that my heart rate was kept in the correct zone to lose the maximum amount of weight and burn the most calories.
The Polar FT40 Heart Rate Monitor is a watch which comes with a coded strap worn around your chest under your clothes to transmit your heart rate to the watch. The HRM watch is a cool design and includes some great features shown below.
More pain does not necessarily mean more gain…
Trust me, pushing as hard as you can to the point where you can no longer breathe does not necessarily mean you have trained properly or efficiently; you just feel awful and sweat a lot! Taking a more scientific approach to your workout or fitness programme by training in the right heart rate zone will make sure that you get the very best results you possibly can.
A Polar FT40 Heart Rate Monitor Watch stores your weight and age to calculate the correct training zone for you. This way it can accurately monitor your heart rate, show you what ‘zone’ you are working in and measure calories burned.
Train at the correct heart rate zone for your age and you can maximise your weight loss and reach your fitness goals sooner. Take walking for example, a 35 year old out walking who keeps their heart rate at approximately 120 – 140 beats per minute will maximise the aerobic workout and weight loss.
Whether you are cycling, running, spinning, walking in or out of the gym or at home, it’s worth investing in a Heart Rate Monitor.